Frank Abbing and Jacinta Creten.

Dutch and Flemish.

Now 68 & 57

Thinker and do-er.

Punctual and jumper.

Quiet and noisy.

Started in Vancouver May 2017.

Finished in Patagonia December 2019.

Now 111 weekly blogs for you.

2017, the year we started spinning our life around.

From workaholic to bikeaholic.

A weekly blog gives you insight in our project Spinning South.

Why are we doing this? Why did we disconnect from home, family and friend? The career-life?

Around 2007 Frank already mentioned that he would be happy to stop working and focus on other activities around the age of 62. (Oh yes now you have to start to calculate how old he was at that time.) Our age difference did not only make us save extra for his possible earlier retirement, we also started to save for me. So that if I would like to stop for a few years it would be possible.

In 2015 the age of 62 is approaching but there is still no real plan on what would be his next step. November 2015 is the month that changes everything. We read an article on biking the Great Divide Mountain bike Route. A 90% unpaved biking route from Banff in Canada, following the Rockies and the continental divide to Mexico. As we always wanted to travel to Patagonia we decide in a weekend to travel from Vancouver to Patagonia by bike as Franks pre-retirement. It takes us till May 2017 before we leave. Before this trip we maybe have done 5 biking holidays, never longer than 2 weeks, never with camping.

  • Find out how we love wild camping, especially in the USA.
  • Find out how different long time travelling is compared with 2-3 weeks of holiday.
  • Find out what fits in 5 bags and a box
  • Find out how you sometimes can miss home or high heels (do I?).
  • Find out that you can spin your life around.
  • Find out how it is to bike + 28.000 km (and which bikes we used)
  • Find out which 14 countries we discovered by bike

111 weekly blogs for you.

At the bottom of each blog you can navigate to the previous or next week.

Poco a poco and you will reach you goal.